Sunday, November 13, 2011

Morning Prayer

On awaking, sign yourself with the sign of the cross, saying:

IN THE name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I rise in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed me by His
precious blood. Bless, guide, and protect me from all evil, O Lord!
Strengthen me to all good and lead me to eternal life. Amen.

After dressing, kneel and say:

My Lord and my God! I prostrate myself before the throne of Thy divine
Majesty, and give Thee infinite thanks, O Lord, that I have passed this
night safely and have not died in my sins, but was preserved by Thy
bounty for Thy further service.

I offer up to Thee all that I shall do and suffer to-day, and unite it
with the prayers, labors, and sufferings of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of
His blessed Mother Mary.


TAKE, O Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding,
and my whole will. Thou hast given me all that I am and all that I
possess; I surrender it all to Thee that Thou mayest dispose of it
according to Thy will. Give me only Thy love and Thy grace; with these I
will be rich enough, and will have no more to desire.

Indulgence. 300 days, once a day. (Leo XIII, May 26, 1883.)

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