Thursday, January 29, 2009

7 Last Words

O divine Jesus, incarnate Son of god, for our salvation you consented to be born in a stable, to spend you whole life amid pverty, trials, and misery, and to die surrounded by sufferings on the Cross.

At the hour of my death, please tell your Father, Father, forgive them.

Tell your Mother, Behold your child. Tell my soul, This day you shall be with me in paradise.

My God, my God, do not forsake me in that hour.

I thirst, yes, my soul thirsts for you who are the fountain of living waters.

My life passes away like a shadow; in a short while everything will be accomplished.

Therefore, my adored Saviour, from this moment and for all eternity, into your hands I commend my spirit.

Lord Jesus, receive my soul.

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