Monday, August 10, 2009

Bless Me, O Lord (Meditated)

Heavenly Father, Almighty God.

Father, Abba, daddy. I acknowledge that you have created me. I am so happy to know that you are my Father and I am your son / daughter. Powerful Lord, God and Saviour; I honour you, I am fulfilled coming before you.

I humble myself before your Presence.

Father, with humility I meditate in your Majesty and Glory, I feel my littleness in your Presence. I realize how unworthy I am before you, who are the source of existence, the all powerful, knowing and loving God.

What a joy it is to come to you.

Father my greatest happiness and joy is to come to you. I feel ashamed of having been so happy about all the temporal things of this world when my true happiness should be always to be with you. I anticipate with great pleasure the joyful and rewarding moments of prayer before you. I am happy just to be accepted by you, what a joy.

I thank you and I praise for your infinite Majesty, Omnipotence and Perfections.

Lord you have given me everything that I have, everything that I am, and everything that I long for. I thank you so much daddy. There is no way to repay you, yet thanking you I find myself always receiving more and more from you. Thank you Lord. I praise for your great works, you are worthy of praise and thanksgiving by all your creatures. Your Majesty overwhelms your creation, your Omnipotence inspires us to revere you and your perfections leave us astounded, because we can barely understand so little about you.

Please forgive me all my sins.

Father forgive me and forgive all my brothers and sisters. We have been so selfish and ungrateful, we have despised your blessings, we have offended you time and time again. Father I repent of my past life and I pray that you grant me peace through the merits of the passion and death of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and the sorrows of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Lord I come to you in my nothingness.

Lord, I am the lowest of the low, you are the highest of the high. You are the Lord, full of Power, Wisdom and Love. I am a simple creature, even though I am your son / daughter, I have raised myself to a throne of pride, through my neglect of you I have become a false god, I have adored the false gods of lust, pleasure, entertainment, money and sin. I am truly nothing before you. I come before you with a humble and contrite heart, do not despise me my Lord.

I want to worship you and adore you.

Lord God, my Father, I have wasted my life in pursuit of darkness, but now I desire to worship you and to adore you, to make up for all the time I have lost. I raise my spirit before you and in my nothingness I bless you and I praise you, I worship you Lord, I adore you.

To love you with all my heart, with all my mind, with all my soul and with all my strength.

You commanded the Israelites to put this prayer on the doorframes of their houses, to say it often for themselves and to say it to their children. Lord, this is your first commandment. Lord I desire to love you with every beat of my heart, I desire to love you with every thought of my mind, I desire to love you with every movement of my soul. Lord be my strength, I desire to love you as you deserve to be loved, I love you in reparation for those who don't love you.

I want to burn with desire for you like an angel.

Lord the seraphim, "the burning ones" are always in your Holy Presence saying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your Glory. Hossana in the highest.
I am not an angel but I desire to be like one, so let the fire of your love burn within me that I may be ablaze with passionate love for you my God. Let me fly on the wings of my desire before your Holy Presence that I may join those who love you without ceasing. Increase the fire of your love within me, let me burn like a seraph, so that my love may be light on this world of darkness and the warmth of your love enkindle the same fire in others.

I need you my Lord, I am nothing without you.

Lord my God, Father Almighty. The more I know you, the more I need you. You have created me with a great void within me, you must come to fill it now because I need you. You have made me desire you and now I can not live without you. Lord I am thirsty for you, quench my thirst, I am hungry for you, feed me with your love. Father of all spirits, my spirit is desperate for you, you are calling me and I am listening to your call, here I am Lord, I have come to do your Will.

I ask you to raise me before your Glory.

My Blessed Lord, in you I live, move and have my being, yet I am so blind, I can not see you, I know that you are so high please raise me before you. Lord I stumble in my darkness, please raise me to your Presence of Light, Wisdom and Joy. Lord increase my spirit and let me be one with you, I in you and you in me. Do not despise my supplication Lord, after all I am simply answering your call, please do not despise me, stretch you hand and place me before you.

Shine your light upon me, allow me to walk with you and always do your Holy Will.

Lord let your light fill me and cast out all darkness within me. Enter into your temple Lord, reign triumphantly King of my heart. Enfold me in your light O Lord, wrap me with your Presence, saturate me with your being. Lord my God, make me one with you, do not separate from me otherwise I will be in darkness again. Lord stay with me, allow me to walk with you, let me do everything with you, let me be all with you, for you, through you and in you. Reveal me your Holy Will Lord, not my Will, but yours be done.

Protect me and bless me O Merciful Lord.

Wonderful and loving Father, my daddy, I feel my emptiness, my littleness, my vulnerability, my dependency on you. I feel like a little child who has come to a world full of sin. The enemies of my soul are all around me and even within me, evil abounds in this world. Protect me my God, increase my faith, bless my commitment to you. Do not forget me in your Merciful Love.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Great Father of all Spirits, you have sent your Holy Spirit to teach us and to reveal the truth in our hearts. You have made us temples of your Presence, you have made us vessels of your Love.
Father fill me abundantly with your Holy Spirit, increase your spirit within me, grant me the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I may grow in holiness for the Glory of your Holy Name. O fire of Divine Love, descend upon me and direct me, counsel me, speak to me, guide me and sanctify me.

Grant me peace, love and joy.

Father Almighty, your Son our Lord Jesus Christ has reconciled us with you through the merits of his suffering. His first words after the Resurrection were "Peace be with you". Now that this gift is available to us, please fill me with peace in all situations, don't let me lose this holy gift that has cost you so much. Allow me Lord to discover daily more and more, how much you love me. Grant me the joy to know you, love you and serve you.

Heal me.

Heal me in body, mind and soul, Forgive me Lord. Heal my soul of the wounds I have inflicted upon myself through my sinfulness. Heal my mind of all resentments, evil thoughts and lustful desires. Heal my body from all my afflictions and accept my prayer of healing for myself and for others. But not my will O Lord, let your will be done.

Bless me and sanctify me O Lord.

Lord, your blessing is the great gift that encourages me to continue in my quest for you. Allow me to experience the joy of your blessing. Consecrate me to you my Father and sanctify me in your Infinite Love; purify me in the Precious Blood of your Son and refine me in the fire of your Holy Spirit.

Make me a blessing for all those around me.

Lord, let me become a mirror that will reflect your Presence to all those around me. Let me be the light of the world, the salt of the earth, the angel of peace, the word of counsel, the prayer of healing, the messenger of your Divine Word. Lord make me an instrument of your Peace, Love and Joy.
My God I want to be always your faithful servant. In your holy name I will bless all those that come in contact with me because you have made me your son / daughter of blessing.


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