Lord, We Affirm. ..
You are the Lord of the work place as well as the worship place.
All work that meets legitimate needs is Your work to be done in Your way.
Prosperity that comes from our work is a gift from You to be used for Your glory, not our ease.
While You made all things for us to enjoy, true satisfaction comes only from You.
Lord, We Confess. ..
We have at times been proud and arrogant about success, thinking it was because we were smarter, better, or worked harder than others.
We have sometimes placed success above integrity and power above people. This is sin in every instance.
We have often let our love of prosperity quench our courage and compassion.
We have kept You too often at a safe distance, mentally locked in the church building away from our daily affairs. How we could have used Your strength, guidance, and love at times if we had only known You are as real a part of our lives on Monday as You are on Sunday.
Lord, We Ask That. ..
We, as businessmen, would live ethically distinctive lives, both publicly and privately.
We would assume the discipline of craftsmanship, working with all our heart as if You were our boss-because You are.
We would discover what we are each gifted to do, finding the delight and joy of doing what You created us for.
Others would see the reality of Your presence in our lives and be attracted to You.
By William Carr Peel
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