Thursday, July 10, 2008

Obedient To The Invitation

By Pope Pius XII

Obedient to the invitation given in your own maternal words, O Virgin Immaculate of Lourdes, we hurry to your feet at the humble grotto, where you appeared to point out the way of prayer and penance to those gone astray and to dispense the graces and wonders of your supreme goodness to the sick.

O gracious Queen, accept the homage and the prayers that the peoples and the nations, caught in bitter straits, trustingly raise to you.

O resplendent vision of Paradise, dispel from our minds the darkness of error by the light of faith!

O mystical garden of roses, comfort the broken hearts of people with the heavenly perfume of hope!

O inexhaustible fountain of saving waters, refresh with the floods of divine charity the hearts that are dry.

Grant that we, your children, may be consoled in our sorrows, protected in danger, and sustained in our struggles!

May we love and serve your dear Son Jesus in such a way that we may deserve eternal joy before your throne in heaven above.


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