Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Morning Prayer

Eternal, almighty God and Father! I most heartily praise and thank Thee,
that Thou hast graciously, by Thy holy angels, preserved me from all harm
and danger both of body and soul, during the past night and all previous
time; and I most heartily pray Thee, forgive me all my sins wherewith I
have offended Thee, and enlighten my heart with Thy Holy Spirit, that I
may daily grow and increase in Thy knowledge. Grant me grace also, that I
may, during this day, avoid all sin and shame, and be found in Thy divine
will, in order that I may so walk as to be preserved from all evil, may
always and constantly keep Thee in my heart and thoughts, and when the
time of my departure approaches, grant that I may fall asleep in the true
knowledge of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, unto a blessed and eternal life.

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