Friday, January 27, 2012

An Act of Oblation

O MY Saviour! What pledge can I give as an earnest of the gratitude I
owe to Thee? I have nothing worthy of Thee, and if I had, I have nothing
but what is Thine on several accounts. But such is Thy goodness as to be
content to accept from us what is already Thine. Wherefore, behold, I
offer to Thee my body and soul, which are both now sanctified by the
honor of Thy divine presence. I consecrate them to Thee for ever, since
Thou hast chosen them for Thy temple; my body to be continually employed
in Thy service, and nevermore to become an instrument of sin; my soul to
know Thee, to love Thee and be evermore faithful to Thee. And as I am
now resolved to serve Thee with body and soul, I will take pains to
correct their evil inclinations. I will declare war against myself,
renounce my wonted pleasures, my delights, my passions, my anger, my
self-love, my pride, my own will, and, in fine, whatever may offend

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