which I consecrate to Thee for ever, with my thoughts, my words, my
works, and my whole self. I purpose to offer to Thee, as far as I can,
acts of adoration, love, and glory, like unto those which Thou offerest
to Thy eternal Father. Be Thou, I beseech Thee, the repairer of my
transgressions, the protector of my life, my refuge and asylum in the
hour of death. By Thy sighs, and by that sea of bitterness in which Thou
wast plunged for me throughout Thy whole mortal life, grant me true
contrition for my sins, contempt of earthly things, a burning desire of
eternal glory, trust in Thy infinite merits, and final perseverance in
Thy grace.
Heart of Jesus, all love! I offer Thee these humble prayers for myself
and for all who unite with me in spirit to adore Thee. Vouchsafe out of
Thy great goodness to hear and answer them, chiefly for that one among
us who will first end this mortal life. Sweet Heart of Jesus! pour into
his heart, in his death agony, Thine inward consolations; receive him
within Thy sacred wound; cleanse him from all stains in that furnace of
love, so that Thou mayest soon open to him the gates of Thy eternal
glory, there to intercede with Thee for all those who tarry yet in this
land of exile.
Most holy Heart of my most loving Jesus! For myself, a wretched sinner,
and for all who unite with me in adoring Thee, I purpose to renew and
offer to Thee these acts of adoration and these prayers at every moment
and to the last instant of my life. I recommend to Thee, my Jesus, our
holy Church, Thy well-beloved spouse and our true mother; the souls who
are following the path of justice, poor sinners, the afflicted, the
dying, all men on the face of the entire earth. Let not Thy blood be
shed in vain for them; and vouchsafe, lastly, to apply it for the relief
of the souls in purgatory, and above all, for those who in life were
foremost in their devotion to Thee.
Most loving heart of Mary, which, amongst the hearts of all God's
creatures, is at once the purest and the most inflamed with love for
Jesus, and the most compassionate toward us poor sinners, obtain for us
from the Heart of Jesus, our Redeemer, all graces which we ask of thee.
Mother of mercies, one throb, a single beat of thy burning heart,
offered by thee to the Heart of Jesus, has power to console us to the
full. Grant us, then, this favor. And then the Heart of Jesus, through
the filial love He had for thee, and will ever have, will not fail to
hear and answer our request. Amen.
O LORD Jesus Christ! In union with that divine intention, with which
Thou, whilst on earth, didst give praise to God through Thy most sacred
Heart, and which Thou dost still everywhere offer to Him in the Holy
Eucharist, even to the consummation of the world; I, in imitation of the
most sacred heart of the ever-immaculate Virgin Mary, do most cheerfully
offer to Thee, during this entire day, all my thoughts and intentions,
all my affections and desires, my words and all my works.
Indulgence. 100 days, once a day. (Leo XIII, Dec. 19, 1885.)
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine!
Indulgence. 300 days, once a day. (Pius IX, January 25, 1858.)
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